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Hire an Experienced, Licensed Trademark Attorney to Guide You Through All of Your Trademark Search, Registration and Office Action Needs.

Affordable Flat Fee Trademark Services

Trademark Search
Trademark Registration
Office Action Responses

Serving Clients in All 50 States

Let Us Help Build and Protect Your Brand 

We understand small business

Full Service Trademark Registration
Comprehensive Trademark Search
Office Action Responses

Let's discuss how we can help you...


Our firm assists clients from all 50 states in the process of performing Trademark Clearance Searches and Trademark Applications. We will guide you through the process and make it as simple as possible so that you can get on with the task of running your business. We understand the critical steps that must be taken to register your trademark and protect your brand. 


Just like you, we are a small business. We understand your needs, mindset and aspirations. You can trust us to partner with you to protect your brand and business.


If you have received an Office Action in response to your Trademark Application, we can help there as well. We will draft and submit office action responses to both substantive and non-substantive office actions addressing the USPTO's questions and concerns in a professional and legal-based manner. Please see below for more information on our Office Action services.


All pricing is fixed fee so you don't have to worry about how much the process will cost. Our pricing is very competitive and affordable.



How Will Your Trademark Case Be Handled?


We offer a free phone consultation or Strategy Session to discuss your needs and answer all of your questions.


We will perform a comprehensive search to look for existing potential conflicts. You will receive a written attorney opinion letter outlining the risks of potential conflicts in your application.


We file the trademark  application for you and take care of all of the paper work needed to get your application started.


Once the application is submitted, we will keep a close eye on your case, respond to non-substantive requests,  and keep you informed of updates as your application proceeds through the USPTO system.


We offer a free phone consultation to discuss your needs and answer all of your questions. After the consultation, if you decide to move forward, we will send you our fee agreement and initial payment link. Once we receive that back, we will send you a link to our comprehensive intake form that collects the information we need to get started. The process is easy, all online and only takes about 15 minutes. 



If you wish, we will perform a comprehensive search to look for existing potential conflicts. You will receive a written attorney opinion letter outlining the risks of potential conflicts in your application. Once you receive the report, we are happy to have a call to discuss the details and work with you to determine the next best steps.



We file the trademark  application for you with the USPTO and take care of all of the paperwork needed to get your application started. We will follow your application every step of the way and keep you posted on progress. We are here to take any questions you may have and will be sure that you feel up to date on the current status of your application.



Our service doesn't end when your trademark application is filed like so many other firms! Once the application is submitted, we will keep a close eye on your case and keep you informed of updates as your application proceeds through the USPTO system. If you receive an office action, we will discuss the request with you and determine the next best step to responding to that office action.



Once your mark registers, you will be able to receive information about your official certificate, important timelines to keep your registration active and information how to receive a paper copy of your certificate from the USPTO to display. 

We Can Help With Office Actions

Experienced Trademark Lawyer

Let us prepare and submit your response to a USPTO office action to give you the best chance of getting your trademark approved.

Non-Substantive Office Actions  


Substantive Office Actions   


All Pricing Fixed Fee



  • Carefully crafted response tailored to your individual trademark and office action.

  • Review of similar marks for office actions, approvals and denials by the USPTO.

  • Consultation with attorney to discuss your mark and the office action response.

  • We will file the office action response on your behalf.

  • We will keep you up to date on progress and status once the response is filed.

Did you receive a trademark office action?

Need more assistance?

Please contact us so that we can discuss your needs in more detail, get your questions answered and determine which plan is best for you.

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©2024  The Law Offices of Michael Rada, LLC.

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